What my clients say…

Working with Lisa has been a life changing experience. Through her guidance, I learned to pinpoint what truly matters to me and use these values to guide my life choices. Lisa has helped me build confidence, particularly in networking and public speaking. I used to feel anxious and overwhelmed in these situations, but her practical techniques and support have made a significant differences. Lisa combines empathy with expert knowledge, creating a safe and supportive environment for growth. I am incredibly grateful for the positive impact she has had on my personal and professional development.”


Working with Lisa over the past 6 months has been fantastic. Lisa has helped me to equip myself with everything I need to thrive, and continue to practice and build on what I have learnt. I started out working with Lisa to address my resilience and confidence at work and have ended up exploring and addressing much bigger things in my life that I realised were linked. It has been an eye opening and empowering journey and I’m very grateful to Lisa for guiding me through it. I’ve found her coaching style and energy really motivating and I can’t recommend Lisa enough!”


Lisa changed my life! I can’t even begin to describe the dramatic positive impact Lisa and her guidance has had on my life. I felt stuck, hopeful and less than. I’m now living my best life, grateful for all that I have and can fully embrace change and the unknown with open arms and can see the light through any darkness. A world with more Lisa’s would surely make a happier place, however there is only 1, so book in with her while you can. You won’t regret it.”

E Caswell

“I cannot express enough gratitude for the transformative experience I’ve had working with Lisa. Her expertise, empathy, and unwavering support have been nothing short of extraordinary.

Before seeking guidance from Lisa, I felt confused, and unsure of how to navigate the challenges of trying to change careers after 20 years of being in the same profession. However, through her insightful coaching sessions, I’ve gained invaluable clarity, perspective, and direction. Lisa possesses a unique ability to listen intently, understand deeply, and offer practical strategies tailored to my individual needs and core values.

Lisa’s encouragement and guidance have empowered me to overcome obstacles, break through self-limiting beliefs, and start to unlock my full potential. With her help, I’ve been able to make significant strides in changing my career path. Lisa’s expertise in career development provided me with invaluable insights and tools to identify my core values, passions, strengths, and career goals.

What sets Lisa apart is not only her wealth of knowledge and expertise but also her genuine passion for helping others thrive. She creates a safe and supportive environment where I felt comfortable exploring my fears, doubts, and aspirations.

Working with Lisa has been a truly life-changing experience, and I am forever grateful for the positive impact she had on my personal and professional growth. I wholeheartedly recommend Lisa to anyone seeking guidance, clarity, and transformation in their life journey, especially those looking to make a meaningful career change.”

 – Kate

Lisa is amazing!! I cannot speak highly enough of her coaching! I came to her with dreams that I hadn’t allowed to surface under all of the limiting beliefs, that I couldn’t do it. Fast forward a few months and I am 2 months into a course that. I never dared believe I could do armed with tools to help with my negative patterns (procrastinating and overthinking). In short- I’m doing the hard things
not just thinking about them! Thank you Lisa for the loving kick up the bum to start living my best life.


“Having had a huge change in personal circumstances over the past 16 months I felt I needed some professional support to help me with the upset, anxiety and issues I was experiencing. I booked a package of coaching sessions with you at
the start of this year and would like to sincerely thank you for the help and support you have given me.
You have made me realise that there are many things during this difficult time that I have no control over. You have shown me the various tools that I can use to work through these and given me a different perspective on how to think about things, therefore putting a spin on things to make things feel more positive.
You have been my sounding board with the ideas I have for the present and the future and it has been great speaking to you about these and discussing different options.
I always leave your sessions feeling more energised and driven. You have given me so much emotional comfort, been non judgmental and also given me words of inspiration. We have spoken about my business and we have a goal setting session booked in which I am excited about. Your sessions via Zoom are very easy to book and you have appointment slots during different parts of the day and weekends to suit all people. Your fees are very reasonably priced and great value for money. I would definitely recommend your services for ANYBODY who needs that extra bit of support in their life. Lisa, you have made such a difference to me and I thank you sincerely.”


Working with Lisa over the past months has helped me completely change my internal dialogue, which was negative and full of self-criticism. I started my sessions with her feeling lost and unhappy. Now, I feel like I have control over my life and the direction I am heading in. But fundamentally what Lisa has given me is confidence and a feeling of excitement about the future, which a few months ago I did not think was possible.

As Lisa kept repeating to me every time we met: “trust the process.” The process certainly works and Lisa is the perfect person to take you on the journey: easy to talk to, explains everything clearly, and always has great tips. Whilst it feels like such small changes and a bit random to begin with, it all comes together as you process. Where you notice the real change is how you start to feel after a few sessions in. Highly recommend Lisa!”


Working with Lisa has brought so much joy and insight into my life. She helps me reflect on important issues and helps me realize what needs work and what needs celebrating.

She also helps me realize how BIG things are when I tend to just brush or shrug them off as nothing. This has helped heal some hurt and celebrate even more positives.

I always feel good after talking to Lisa, no matter how I’m feeling before jumping on my call with her.”


Lisa immediately put me at ease and quickly got to the core of some of my self-made challenges. 

She helped me vocalize some things that I, in my heart of hearts, knew I needed to change.  This was not particularly comfortable but was necessary for us to then to be able to talk about some small changes I could make to help relieve some of the stresses and pressures that were affecting my health.

After our sessions, I do not feel obliged to say ‘yes’ to everything and manage my workloads and expectations (my own and other people’s) with strategic ‘no’s’.  Would highly recommend Lisa


“Working with Lisa was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. She is inspiring and helped me to think in ways outside my typical box of thinking. She is great at listening to what is on your mind and adding to your ideas in ways that motivate you to keep moving forward.

Lisa has an energy and enthusiasm about her that makes you want to meet with her to brainstorm your options for what is next in your life. I highly recommend using Lisa’s coaching services to take your energy and motivation to the next level.”


“I would definitely recommend having coaching with Lisa. I found her to be professional, a good listener, she understood the issues I raised and structured the sessions accordingly, we worked together to set achievable goals for the week ahead and I always felt inspired and uplifted by the end of the session. “

Sarah P

“Thanks Lisa for helping me see things so much clearer when I was at a Crossroads, prompting me to think about make some life changing decisions. I am exercising more, even if some days it is only baby steps. This is helping my mental health greatly. I have taken early retirement which really was the best decision for me. I can’t recommend Lisa enough to anyone considering Life Coaching. Lisa is amazing. She has so much life experience, empathy & is a fantastic listener. Lisa encouraged me to think outside of the box. Thanks again for all your help & support.”


“Lisa is the perfect Life Coach because she’s seen it all. She has walked through the proverbial fire of life and arose on the other side with even more empathy and wisdom.

She is intuitive, seeing through the fog and haze and pinpointing where things could improve. She holds your hand as she guides you through; all the while making you laugh as you go.

I highly recommend her.


My coaching sessions with Lisa have been so helpful. Lisa is very understanding and is a great listener. She helped me identify what I have been desiring in my career and ultimately my life.

Once I established what I really wanted, she helped me identify the areas that are holding me back. I have always wanted to create my own clothing line. I worked with Lisa to release these blocks and put some realistic action plans in place. I realised life is short and I need to pursue my passion. I am now the proud owner of my own clothing line and look forward to building my business and creating the life I have always dreamed of. I am so grateful I invested in ME!

I highly recommend Coach Lisa.


Lisa has been instrumental in helping me identity what had been keeping me immobilised and unmotivated. Lisa helped identify a core, deep issue that I never even mentioned. I thought this issues was unresolvable. I am grateful for Lisa’s wise guidance and thought provoking questions. I finished my sessions peaceful, settled and grateful. Thank you Lisa!


After having had years at work wondering why I was feeling like I was in a never ending hamster wheel, I decided to get some guidance and direction. I contacted Lisa, who was brilliant! She gave me some clarity and helped me feel positive in my approach to moving forward with life goals and look forward to enjoying my life again.


Lisa Marie has warmth, experience and knowledge in abundance. Would highly recommend to anyone looking to set and reach any personal goal, and have full support and guidance along the way.”


Lisa is an exceptional coach. Warm, open, and caring yet strategic and clear in her approach which helped me to think more clearly and strategically about a number of issues that I was struggling to progress with. I am so grateful for Lisa’s interventions and would unreservedly recommend her to friends.”


“I was really struggling with organising my life. I felt overwhelmed and low, giving myself a hard time regularly. Not giving myself praise for the little achievements. Coach Lisa made me see things more clearly and understand myself better. I have learned to appreciate the positives in my life. Thank you Lisa.
Would highly recommend.”


“The most terrifying thought about talking to someone is that they’ll tell you it’s all in your head. When you’re seeking validation and being able to say “so this is me, this is where my head’s at and this is what I can do going forwards”… just to be told you’re being daft, you’re fine. It’s an irrational fear but it’s there.

There is none of that with Lisa. There is just acceptance, understanding and help. You’re talking to someone who in some aspect has dealt with all these emotions, insecurities and struggles just like yourself and the feeling of being understood is the most indescribable thing. It’s euphoric and calm all at the same time and it doesn’t just stop there. Lisa then offers advice and help and a shoulder to lean on while you learn to find strength in yourself.

Sometimes we all need a little help finding ourselves and I can never repay Lisa for helping me find ‘me’. She (me) has always been there, I just had to learn to understand her and Lisa helped me do that! Thank you so much for that!


Lisa, thank you so much for all of your support. You’ve made a huge difference to me at a time when I badly needed it and really didn’t want to burden my nearest and dearest with how I was feeling. It’s incredible how much difference the right support from the right person can make.”


“Lisa helped me to see a way forward, unravelled my confusion, and set me back on the path to living a happy life.”


“I had the most inspiring action filled hour session with Lisa. One hour of Life Coaching and I feel so energised.”


“I have just completed the “Inspired Action” Workshop with Lisa and I now feel like giving myself and Lisa a big hug for receiving this gift. It has helped me know what my own personal values are and provided some direction with my life as I felt a little ‘out to sea.’ It was wonderful to be a part of a special, intimate group who were on a similar path. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking for support, growth, direction and motivation. Thank you Lisa.”


“I took part in the Inspired Action workshop. The sessions were focussed and well prepared and each week was a progression from the previous one. During the course, Lisa was an excellent facilitator, coach and supporter. Lisa provided a trustworthy, positive, respectful environment for all participants. Her ability to listen and read between the lines was amazing and she guided each of us with her knowledge and sensitivity. I finished the course feeling inspired and with a new set of tools. Thank you Lisa so much for your wisdom and I will continue to recommend your services to any of my friends and family.


I have always been sceptical about such things as Life Coaching but I decided to face my fears and doubts and make an investment and purchase sessions with Lisa. Lisa has a very natural and confidence inspiring manner and really gets you thinking about your issues and challenges. Lisa’s approach is a breath of fresh air and I cannot recommend her services highly enough.”

