How do you know where you want to go if you don’t look back?

How do you know where you want to go if you don’t look back and see where you’ve been?

I have contemplated this for some time. I am sure you have heard the saying, “Do not look back, you are not going that way” or something to that effect. I mean, I get it. I think it really means not to dwell on the past. Not to live there. Don’t campout in the past. I do not believe it means to never look back.

As the new year approaches, I believe it is important to look back at where you have been, what you have survived, learned, and changed! All the good, bad and the ugly. Self-reflection is important. If we don’t learn, grow, reflect, and practice gratitude, we will remain stuck.

I have been reflecting on the last twelve months. To be honest, a lot of it was a blur. So, to remind myself, I looked through my photos on my phone. I can highly recommend this if you are like me and think, “what the hell happened in 2023?”

Well there were a lot of operations, hospital visits, and not just mine. A lot of healing, forced resting, building a business that I love, serving others, creating a life I love. Enjoying live music, travelling around the UK, ice skating, laughing, crying, laughing some more. I had the most empowering photoshoot by the amazing Heloisa Quadros Photography. It was a difficult year but I have certainly had worse.

I end this year with Covid. Oh wait, let’s end on a positive (and not covid positive). I am so grateful for life! I am grateful for science, surgeons, my loved ones and being cancer free!

It is never too late to set new goals, build in new habits, change the things in your life that no longer serve you. It is NEVER too late!
